
creed2000's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 669 (From 80 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 10,665 Points

Rolling Football 2

Medals Earned: 4/12 (45/500 points)

Double Goal 5 Points

Two balls in the goal!

First Goal 5 Points

Ball in the goal!

Time Travel 10 Points

First portal trip!

100th Bounce 25 Points

Ball bounces 100 times!

Help Used 5 Points

Clicked solutions button!

Four Balls 25 Points

Level with 4 balls!

Trio Goal 25 Points

Three balls in a goal!

500th Bounce 50 Points

Ball bounces 500 times!

Four Goals 50 Points

Level with 4 goals!

1000th Bounce 100 Points

Ball bounces 1000 times!

Levels Complete 100 Points

Beat all 24 levels!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Shark Lifting 2

Medals Earned: 32/33 (1,430/1,530 points)

Caribbean Reef Shark 5 Points

Lift a Caribbean Reef Shark!

First Flight 5 Points

Your very first flight!

First Ride 5 Points

Your very first ride!

Nurse Shark 5 Points

Lift a Nurse Shark!

Porbeagle Shark 5 Points

Lift a Porbeagle Shark!

Sandbar Shark 5 Points

Lift a Sandbar Shark!

Bignose Shark 10 Points

Lift a Bignose Shark

Getting Famous 10 Points

You got on the cover of Sharks Illustrated!

Goblin Shark 10 Points

Lift a Goblin Shark!

Shortfin Mako Shark 10 Points

Lift a Shortfin Mako Shark!

Silvertip Shark 10 Points

Lift a Silvertip Shark!

Blue Shark 25 Points

Lift a Blue Shark!

Lemon Shark 25 Points

Lift a Lemon Shark!

Salmon Shark 25 Points

Lift a Salmon Shark!

Sand Shark 25 Points

Lift a Sand Shark!

Bigeye Thresher Shark 50 Points

Lift a Bigeye Thresher Shark!

Bluntnose Sixgill Shark 50 Points

Lift a Bluntnose Sixgill Shark!

Bull Shark 50 Points

Lift a Bull Shark!

Copper Shark 50 Points

Lift a Copper Shark

Dusky Shark 50 Points

Lift a Dusky Shark!

Hammerhead Shark 50 Points

Lift a Hammerhead Shark

Pacific Sleeper Shark 50 Points

Lift a Pacific Sleeper Shark!

Perfect Crab Quiz 50 Points

Uncover 6 Crabs in a row!

Silky Shark 50 Points

Lift a Silky Shark!

Basking Shark 100 Points

Lift a Basking Shark!

Great Hammerhead Shark 100 Points

Lift a Great Hammerhead Shark

Great White Shark 100 Points

Lift a Great White Shark!

Greenland Shark 100 Points

Lift a Greenland Shark!

Longfin Mako Shark 100 Points

Lift a Longfin Mako Shark!

Megalodon 100 Points

Lift a Megalodon!

Tiger Shark 100 Points

Lift a Tiger Shark!

Whale Shark 100 Points

Lift a Whale Shark!

Hero Power 100 Points

Finish the game on brutal difficulty!

Slender 2D

Medals Earned: 3/7 (15/105 points)

First page 5 Points

First page found

He See You 5 Points

He See You

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Third page 10 Points

Third page

Sixth page 25 Points

Sixth page

Win? 50 Points

8 pages collected

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

soccer skill

Medals Earned: 3/16 (15/520 points)

win stage 1 5 Points

win stage 1

win stage 2 5 Points

win stage 2

win stage 3 5 Points

win stage 3

win stage 4 10 Points

win stage 4

win stage 5 10 Points

win stage 5

win stage 6 10 Points

win stage 6

win stage 7 25 Points

win stage 7

win stage 8 25 Points

win stage 8

win stage 9 25 Points

win stage 9

win stage 10 50 Points

win stage 10

win stage 11 50 Points

win stage 11

win stage 12 50 Points

win stage 12

win stage 13 50 Points

win stage 13

win stage 14 50 Points

win stage 14

win stage 15 50 Points

win stage 15

win stage 16 100 Points

win stage 16

Spring Ninja

Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/180 points)

HIYA!!!!!! 5 Points

Kill your enemy

Kill everyone 10 Points

3 star a level

Persistence 5 Points

Die 100 times or more

Spring Ninja Half Way 10 Points

play 16/32 levels

Game Complete 50 Points

complete all 32 main levels

Master_Ninja 100 Points

3 star all levels

Stealing the Diamond

Medals Earned: 6/11 (215/435 points)

BUNP 5 Points

I TOLD you dog!

Like a D6 10 Points

Lose 6 points

Aggressive Ending 50 Points

Win the aggressive way

Epic Ending 50 Points

Win the epic way

Failtastic 50 Points

Fail 55 times

Undetected Ending 50 Points

Win the undetected way

It's a Joke Guys 5 Points

I did it on purpose...

01100010 10 Points

6d 69 73 73 69 6e 67 6e 6f 0d 0a

Fail Champion 100 Points

Watch all 40 unique fails

Obscure Medal 100 Points

You know you want this medal

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Super Adventure Pals

Medals Earned: 17/20 (365/500 points)

2 COOL 4 SCHOOL 5 Points

Complete the tutorial

BRAGGER 5 Points

Get an overall a rating


Kill your first enemy


Donate money to the snow man


Kill one hundred enemies

FAMILY MAN 10 Points

Help the penguins start a family

OUTLAW 10 Points

Help Stabby break out of jail

TEARS OF JOY 10 Points

Return the farmer's pig


Defeat the fish boss


Defeat the jelly fish boss

RICH 25 Points

Find one thousand coins

SPIDER MAN 25 Points

Defeat the spider boss


return the old mans speedos

CHAMPION 50 Points

Beat the final boss


Complete all levels


Beat a level set without dieing

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

LAW MAN 10 Points

Redeem yourself to the sheriff


Kill one thousand enemies


Find one million coins

Super Norris Advance

Medals Earned: 7/9 (40/60 points)


Jump over a flame. (Jump over one of Bowsa's fireballs)

Button Test 5 Points

Figured out the buttons? Good. (Press each control once)

Derp 5 Points

Search for your brain. (Sit on the title screen for 10 seconds)

Leftorioum 5 Points

Go the wrong way. (Press left at any time)

Pit Faller 5 Points

Fall into a hole.

Texas Ranger 5 Points

Take out everything. (Defeat every enemy)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Peacekeeper 10 Points

Leave the innocents alone. (Do not harm a single foe, ecluding Bowsa and Toad)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Sydney Shark

Medals Earned: 12/17 (325/525 points)

AirbusA380 25 Points

Take down the Airbus A380

BAEHawk 25 Points

Take down the BAE Hawk

BroadcastHeli 25 Points

Take down the Broadcast helicopter

CH46SeaKnight 25 Points

Take down the CH46 Sea Knight helicopter

CrocodileJet 25 Points

Take down the crocodile jet

DHC2Beaver 25 Points

Take down the DHC 2 Beaver

HH65Dolphin 25 Points

Take down the HH65Dolphin helicopter

NuclearRocket 25 Points

Nuke Sydney

Sailplane 25 Points

Take down the sailplane

UFO 25 Points

Take down the UFO

Zeppelin 25 Points

Take down the zeppelin

Horse 50 Points

Kill 9 horses

Kayak 25 Points

Crush 10 kayaks

Orca 25 Points

Eat 60 pieces of Orca

Passenger 50 Points

Kill 30 cruise ship passengers

SkyDiver 50 Points

Kill 10 sky divers

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Tankman Training

Medals Earned: 10/10 (410/410 points)

Ready to Roll 10 Points

Complete level 1

Boulder Dash 25 Points

Complete level 4

Bridge's Out 25 Points

Complete level 3

Flipper 25 Points

Complete level 5

Rough Terrain 25 Points

Complete level 2

Bite Marks 50 Points

Complete level 6

Floor Master 50 Points

Complete level 9

Safety First 50 Points

Complete level 8

Squeeze Time 50 Points

Complete level 7

License to Tank 100 Points

Complete level 10